Women’s Retreat 2023
February 24-26, 2023
Location: Hilton Head Island, SC
Registration deadline: February 1, 2023
Registration for this event has closed. If you would like to check the availability of rooms, please call the Women’s Ministry office 706.922.7026.
This year we are once again partnering with the Warren Sports & Fitness Center to present Holy Grounded… a weekend getaway filled with warm conversation, engaging Bible teaching, praise and worship, and quiet reflection time.
Come step on holy ground as we are reminded as women what it means to be called into holiness and to seek the One who is Holy, Holy, Holy.
Women of all ages and stages of life are welcome to join us for this time of restoration on beautiful Hilton Head Island! High school girls are welcome to join if accompanied by an adult.
Women’s Ministry | 706.922.7026 | women@warrenbaptist.org