Encourage – From Mourning to Miracle

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Read Psalm 30

This Psalm speaks of the blessedness of answered prayer and shows us the relief that comes when we pour out our hearts to God. He comforts us and fills us with peace as we bring our concerns to Him. Like no other, He has the ability to breathe truth, purpose, and life into the darkest of situations. He shines light on our places of sadness and brings us to a place of renewed hope and trust in Him.  

I particularly love these two verses in Psalm 30 … 

Weeping my tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning. – Psalm 30:5b

You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness. – Psalm 30:11

Testimony of Encouragement #5

Meet Kristal …  Mourning without Hope

Kristal Before 2014-06-27 at 10.35.56 AM

On May 5th, 2009, I went in for a routine check up to find out the sex of my baby only to learn that my baby was trying to arrive early. I was rushed into emergency surgery in an attempt to stop my labor and then admitted to the hospital for the remainder of my pregnancy.

For a solid week I went in and out of labor ultimately resulting in my water breaking. I held on for two more days, before finding out that infection had set in and my baby needed to be delivered 4 months early.

This was a life changing moment my husband Tal and me. It was then that we had to deal with the reality that we might lose our child.

Talia was born on May 15, 2009, at 23 weeks gestation. Weighing only 1 pound 5 ounces. You could literally hold her in the palm of your hand.

Once I was out of recovery, my husband and I were able to visit Talia in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit together. Tal had seen our precious daughter the moment she was born, but this would be the first time for me and what I saw crushed my spirit. What I saw was a baby so small that you could see through her skin, and her eyes were fused shut like a puppy.

My heart was broken, and I blamed myself. At that moment the doctors came in and spoke us. They explained that there was only a one percent chance that Talia would make it through the night. They said that if she did make it, she would face major medical issues in the days ahead. The probability of our baby making it to her 1st birthday was less than one percent. I was devastated.

With my faith shaken I spent the next day in my room and did not visit Talia. I received a phone call from my cousin that day that changed my perspective, though. She asked me my baby’s name. I explained to her that we had chosen to name her Talia after her father, Tal. She asked me if I knew what the name meant. I didn’t but decided to do some research on the name. Here’s what I discovered.

In Hebrew Talia means “The Dew of God.” In the Bible, dew refers to blessings, favor, prosperity, resurrection, and long life. It is also used to describe how an eagle covers her young or how God covers His people.

God spoke to me that day and I realized that Talia was a miracle. God strengthened my feeble faith and I chose to rest in Him. God spoke to my heart that day and said,

Yes, your daughter will live. Now go out and proclaim who I am, so that through your testimony others may find hope and peace and know that I am a God who cares regardless the circumstance. Let them know that I will cover them with my right hand of righteousness, but most of all, that I have a purpose and plan for their life.

I knew at that moment God had a plan for me and it would reveal itself through the life that we now know as Talia. During the next 5 months in the NICU, I learned how precious life is and who is ultimately in control of it.

Kristal after 2014-06-27 at 10.36.11 AM

God has continued to bless Kristal and her family with precious children, and He has given her a way to share His love and hope with others in similar circumstances through a ministry called, Covered for Life, a blanket ministry at a local children’s hospital for babies in the NIC-U.

It is amazing how God used this circumstance in Kristal’s life to strengthen her faith and bring more focused purpose into her life.

  • Are you struggling with your life purpose today?
  • Are you longing to experience the abundant life God offers through Jesus?
  • Are you facing a hopeless situation?

Read Psalm 91.

Pause and ask the Lord to cover your with his pinions (feathers, arms of protection, love, grace, and kindness). Ask Him to give you everything you need to stand up under your trial today. Ask Him to give you renewed purpose and a greater vision for what He planned for your life. Then ask Him to help you fulfill His plan and purpose for your life. Rest in Jesus, my friend.

The mission of Covered For Life is to offer families support and hope as they cope with the premature birth of their child, navigate the frightening new world of the NIC-U, and eventually transition home with their tiny miracle. Kristal believes that this ministry will impact the lives of families with hope, peace, and faith by providing a gift that will cover their child with God’s promises and love one blanket at a time. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.

Thank you, Kristal, for sharing this testimony of hope!

