Mission & Vision
Warren is a community of believers surrendered to the authority of Jesus Christ and dedicated to advancing the gospel together in our neighborhoods and around the world as we make disciples and multiply disciple-makers.
At Warren, we are about a way of life that embraces the following core values described in Acts 2:42-47.
Our Common Faith
Though people embrace many things seeking fulfillment in life, it’s only when we embrace a vibrant, growing faith in Jesus Christ that we understand life and fully live. Faith in Christ shapes our values, fuels our worship, and promotes our message. Faith in Jesus Christ is at the core of our way of life at Warren.
We embrace the good news of Jesus Christ and exist to proclaim the message of life and peace found in Him. This message is not our own nor ours alone but is rooted in the essential teaching of Scripture. Our distinctives are best stated in the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. This summary provides an effective expression for our common faith and practice.

Our History
In 1898, the 12 original members of Warren Baptist Church began meeting...first in a home, then in a log blacksmith shop with a dirt floor, then in various temporary locations. Finally, a permanent building was built. That building no longer exists, but Warren continues to be a strong place of worship, teaching, and service with more than 2,000 attenders, multiple campuses and worship venues, Warren Online and the Warren A Way of Life television broadcast reaching more than 600,000 homes.
Southern hospitality. Generosity. Strong Bible Teaching. A Passion for making disciples and multiplying disciple-makers. This has been the heart of Warren from the very beginning and is behind all we do...from the Sports and Fitness center programs focusing on the health of the "whole person" to our on-going involvement in Madagascar, Ecuador, South Africa, and eSwatini. From its very beginning, over 100 years ago, Warren has existed and will continue to exist for the cause and call of Christ.
Discover what we believe, why we approach life the way we do and what’s available for you.