Seder Meal Training

Saturday, March 22
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
The Loft | Augusta Campus

Last year, Warren hosted it’s first complete Passover Seder. This year, we want to expand the experience by offering our members the opportunity to host a Seder meal within their own homes – just as God intended. To this end, Pastor Corry Craine will be hosting a one day, 4 hour training in which he will teach you all that you need to know to conduct the Seder at home. This includes a complete teaching on the Seder historically, explanation of all ritual parts, instruction on how to prepare the Seder meal, and how to decorate and prepare the Seder table.

You do not need to have attended a Seder previously in order to attend. All materials will be provided, as well as a link to the video of last year’s Seder conducted at Warren. Keep in mind, the Seder is intended to be a family event (a life group setting would also be very suitable). Therefore, the “father and mother” of the host home must attend the training since they will be conducting the Seder itself.

Since the meal requires a pair to host, please register for yourself and the person who will be assisting. This could be your spouse or a friend. This is a great opportunity for a home or life group to host and experience. If you host partner can’t attend, please complete the registration and Pastor Corry will contact you.

Training is free but please register so we can prepare for you!

Registration deadline: March 15



Mar 22 2025


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


3203 Washington Rd, Augusta, GA 30907

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