Every weekend dozens of first-time guests arrive and we want to make them feel like part of our family. You've got something to offer! And we've got a place for you to serve using your unique gifts, talents, and abilities. Check out some of the opportunities below.
Discover Warren
Discover Warren is a periodic session for adults and teenagers to discover what we believe, why we approach life the way we do and what’s available. There’s no cost and it’s open to those who are just curious, as well as those desiring church membership.

Every weekend dozens of first-time guests arrive and we want to make them feel like part of our family. You've got something to offer! And we've got a place for you to serve using your unique gifts, talents, and abilities. Check out some of the opportunities below.
Guest Services Team
Serve at the Connect Tables on campus and provide information about Warren, Life Group options, and guide guests to Life Group locations.
Greeter Team
Welcomes guests and guides them to worship venues, guest services locations, student or children’s check-in.
Parking Teams
Welcome and direct guests to a parking area, keep traffic flowing, assist at crosswalks and transport guests. Our Solo Parent Parking Team helps parents who show up “solo” on Sunday mornings get their young children safely into our preschool area.
Worship Prayer Team
These are small groups & individuals that meet in the Prayer Room during each worship service to pray specifically for the services and for those that need to respond to God during the invitations.
Kids/Student Team
There are opportunities to serve in age-related ministries on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. We'd love to have you join the team!
Not Sure Where You Should Serve?
If you're interested in volunteering but not sure where you should serve, complete our online Volunteer Interest Form below. We'll be in touch and help you find the right place!