Steps to the Cross

Welcome Traveler! How easy it is for us to just gloss over Easter and fail to give proper honor and glory to our Lord and King. Easter is a time for believers to celebrate and remember Jesus’ great sacrifice, His work on the cross, and the abundant mercy and grace afforded to us because of His great sacrifice. As we approach this season, it’s good to take time to examine and prepare our hearts for such a celebration. Let’s pause to allow the Holy Spirit to nudge and nurture our souls and rekindle the fire within our hearts-a fire that…


Estimated Time: 8 Weeks



Week 1 – Forgiveness: Pardoned by the Blood

Week 2 – Cleansing: Washed Clean & Set Apart

Week 3 – Provision: Never Ending Supply

Week 4 – Light: Dispelling the Darkness

Week 5 – Communion: Face to Face

Week 6 – Sacrifice: It Is Finished

Week 7 – Redemption: Paid in Full

Welcome Traveler!

How easy it is for us to just gloss over Easter and fail to give proper honor and glory to our Lord and King. Easter is a time for believers to celebrate and remember Jesus’ great sacrifice, His work on the cross, and the abundant mercy and grace afforded to us because of His great sacrifice.

As we approach this season, it’s good to take time to examine and prepare our hearts for such a celebration. Let’s pause to allow the Holy Spirit to nudge and nurture our souls and rekindle the fire within our hearts-a fire that often becomes dulled by the sins of the world surrounding us in our daily lives.

As we make our way to resurrection Sunday, we will study an overview of both Old and New Testament Scriptures, all of which point to man’s need for Christ’s redemptive work on the Cross. We will see the beauty and seamless melding of the old and new covenants, all the while preparing our hearts to celebrate afresh and anew the blessing of Jesus’ sacrifice and the abundant life we have because of His great work on Calvary.

  • Day 1 – A portion of Scripture from Genesis
  • Day 2 – A portion of Scripture from Exodus
  • Day 3 – A look at Jesus in the New Testament
  • Day 4 – The Old and New Covenants fulfilled
  • Day 5 – Preparing your heart for Easter