BELONG | Women’s Bible Study

Tuesdays, September 17-November 12
9:15 – 11:30 AM
Auditorium | Grovetown Campus

Belong is a multi-generational group of women coming together to encourage and support each other in Biblical community. For our fall study, Mia Bright will be live teaching her newest study, “God of Isaac & Jacob: a Study of Genesis 25-36”.

Welcome to the God of Isaac & Jacob: A Study of Genesis 25-36. I have long loved and been fascinated by the Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Each one of them is a mix of saint and scoundrel. Their lives are marked by intense highs and heartbreaking lows. They triumph greatly at times in their story and, at other points, fail miserably. Yet these are the people God chooses to use. Flawed, selfish, and broken people. I find a lot of comfort in that because I find I’m very much like these “Fathers of the Faith”. I pray that you also find encouragement and hope in the story of Isaac and Jacob, which is really God’s story. The crazy amazing thing is that we also, like Isaac and Jacob, are being woven into the heavenly story that God is writing. It is a grace-filled story of redemption with a hero who is brave and true and more captivating than we could ever imagine. The Bible is the greatest story ever told and it is also the truest. I’m so glad you are joining me on this continued adventure through Genesis! Praying the Living God will meet you in incredible ways on the pages of Genesis.

Cost: $25

IF YOU REQUIRE CHILDCARE, you must register here for childcare FIRST prior to registering for the study. Childcare is limited. The registration for childcare will say Warren Grovetown Weekday Preschool – this is the correct link (you are NOT signing up for weekday preschool), please enter Belong under the event name. One of our staff members will contact you with further information.

NEW THIS YEAR: Calling all homeschool moms. Have you been craving Bible study and Fellowship? We’ve got you covered. We will have a childcare room for homeschool students staffed by a rotation of Safe Haven approved Belong Bible study participants. Every homeschool student should arrive with a backpack full of tasks to keep them occupied for 2 hours.

**Moms needing childcare: Please do not complete the Belong registration form until AFTER your childcare slots have been approved by a staff member as childcare is limited and not guaranteed.

REGISTER (Registration is non-refundable but it can be transferred to another participant)
Registration deadline: September 1



Sep 17 2024


9:15 am - 11:30 pm



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