
Kids @ Warren
Kids@Warren partners with parents to raise kids who follow Jesus, love God's word, and change the world.
Warren College Ministry seeks to impact the culture in which we live with the message of Jesus Christ.
Adult LIFE Groups are small groups in the same stage of life that meet for Bible study, prayer, and community each week.
Worship Arts
Warren Worship Arts exists to worship God and enjoy Him as we communicate the gospel and edify the church through creative expression for the glory of God.
Special Needs
Together at Warren is a ministry for God’s differently-abled and their families. Our desire is to provide a safe and loving environment for individuals with different abilities and to offer care, support and encouragement for the whole family.
Warren is on Mission to equip and empower disciples to advance the gospel in our community and around the world.
We believe that following Jesus is not merely a Sunday morning ritual, but a whole-life pursuit, permeating every aspect of our lives. This way of life unites us as believers in both identity and mission as we worship and serve!