A church designed to help people know Jesus, to grow in His love, and to show His love to the world.
A local Southern Baptist church plant in downtown Harlem, GA
Based on recent studies, over 35% of those living within 10 miles of downtown Harlem, GA, do not regularly attend church. This number is very alarming, and with the population growth projected for the city, the number of people in this group will undoubtedly increase. Research has proven that new churches gain one-half to two-thirds of its members from those not regularly attending a worship service, whereas churches over ten years old gain eighty to ninety percent of their new members by transfer from other church bodies. For us, these numbers show that new churches tend to reach the unchurched at a much greater rate than existing churches. We believe that new churches are vital in reaching those far from God. It is with this purpose that we have planted Impact Church.
North Harlem Elementary School • 525 Fairview Drive, Harlem, GA 30814