Can I Help?

It was a simple question: “Can I help?” But one young man breathed new life into my soul with that simple question. I was out raking my yard… But first, I should let you know that I hate doing yard work. I put it off as long as I can and hope the neighbors don’t […]

The Right Gift Every Time

Is there a way we can be confident we’re giving the right gift every time…no matter what? We’re just a few days away from Christmas, and perhaps you’re still out there scrounging to find that last-minute perfect gift for someone. Finding the right gift for that right person seems to come naturally for some. But […]

Tis the Season #7: A Serving Heart

This devotional appeared first on Susan Cady’s blog, Get Real! We close out our study of Psalm 86:11-13 this week. I hope this has encouraged you to prepare your hearts and homes in order to celebrate what’s truly important this Christmas season. Merry Christmas! For great is your steadfast love toward me; you have delivered my soul from […]

Tis the Season #6: A Giving Heart

This devotional appeared first on Susan Cady’s blog, Get Real! We continue our study of Psalm 86:11-13, as we seek to prepare our hearts and homes in order to celebrate what’s truly important this Christmas season. (Download/Print the study guide, including family activities and Preparing Our Home ideas)   I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole […]

Find a Reason to Stay Together

If you haven’t noticed, I’m a big fan of marriage. I’m like the person who finds a reason to root for their favorite team, even if their team isn’t doing so well. But many of the people who come to my office thinking about divorce can’t find a reason to root for the team. They can’t […]

Tis the Season #5: A Grateful Heart

This devotional appeared first on Susan Cady’s blog, Get Real! We continue our study of Psalm 86:11-13, as we seek to prepare our hearts and homes in order to celebrate what’s truly important this Christmas season. (Download/Print the study guide, including family activities and Preparing Our Home ideas)   I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole […]

Tis the Season #4: A Steadfast & Still Heart

This devotional appeared first on Susan Cady’s blog, Get Real! We continue our study of Psalm 86:11, as we seek to prepare our hearts and homes in order to celebrate what’s truly important this Christmas season. (Download/Print the study guide, including family activities and Preparing Our Home ideas)   … unite my heart to fear your name. â€”Psalm 86:11b How do we […]