Week 4: Jehovah Jireh

Thank you for joining us for week 4 of our study on the names of God —LORD, I Want to Know You. Assignment: Read Chapter 8. Complete the questions found on pages 60-69. The alternate study guide is available at the end of this lesson. Our Name of God this Week: Jehovah Jireh â€”The Lord Will Provide     […]

Remember Why You’re Married

Unless you’re a newlywed, you know how easy it is to let the demands, stresses, and frustrations of life crowd out the things that brought you together in the first place. It’s subtle at first, but eventually these things can take a marriage to dull distance at best and disappointing finality at worst. But there’s something […]

Whatever! Week 6

This post appeared first on Jacqueline Heider’s blog at jacquelineheider.com. Well, we’ve come to the end of our study on Philippians 4:8 and now it’s time to put everything we’ve learned into practice. I told you on the first week that when we got to the end of WHATEVER! I would show you how to […]

Week 3: Adonai & Jehovah

Thank you for joining us for week 3 of our study on the names of God —LORD, I Want to Know You.  This week we will cover two names of God. Download the Note Taking Guide for the lesson. Assignment: Read chapters 6 and 7. Complete the questions found on pages 43-54 and 57. Alternate […]

The Valentines Day That Never Was

Valentines Day is over. But for my wife and me, it it was the Valentines Day that never was. More on that in a minute. Reactions to Valentines day can be mixed and varied. Some look forward to the special attention. Some dread the pressure of trying to come up with something special. Some look forward […]

Week 2: Answering Hard Questions

Good Morning Ladies! I realize it’s mid-week for us and you’re not expecting another post for a few days.  But we had a great question posed online in response to this week’s study.  I felt it addressed an underlying question that many of you might have in regards to the this week’s name El Elyon […]

Whatever! Week 5

This post appeared first on Jacqueline’s blog, Dancing in the Rain at jacquelineheider.com So how have you been doing “four-eighting” those thoughts of worry this past week? I’ve had numerous opportunities to practice thinking on that which is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy. And this week we’ll have more opportunity to […]

Week 2: El Elyon —God Most High

Have you experienced a difficult, hard situation where it seemed as if everything was going wrong, things seemed hopeless, you wondered where God was…? This is the focus of our name of God this week. Thank you for joining us for week 2 of our  nine-week study on the names of God —LORD, I Want […]

Little Things

Every so often, I run a post on Normal Marriage that starts with these words…”Little things mean a lot.” I do this because it’s really easy to focus on the big things in marriage (communication, conflict, sex, etc.) and forget that the little things are just as important…if not more so.

Whatever! Week 4

 This post appeared first on Jacqueline Heider’s Blog, Dancing in the Rain, at jacquelineheider.com Over the last few weeks we’ve been using Philippians 4:8 as a guide to help us learn how to train and retrain our thoughts. We’ve learned to think about ourselves through the lens of who we are in Christ. We’ve learned […]