Let My Soul Live and Praise You

We’ve made it to the end of Psalm 119. Great job, ladies! My prayer is that you have been encouraged, comforted, stretched and renewed in your walk with Christ as you’ve studied this psalm. My challenge and encouragement to us all is that our hearts and minds would continue to resonate with those of the […]

How to Fight the Good Fight

Some of my favorite movies (much to my wife’s dismay) are “The Matrix” trilogy of movies. They never get old to me. I can watch them over and over and still find new thing in them that I didn’t see before. This happened a while back when I was watching “The Matrix Reloaded (2003). In […]

Finding Hope and Strength

When we are in need, we can feel… insecure inadequate uncertain fearful alone These feelings can cause us to… hesitate question pull back withdraw isolate In our verses this week we see the psalmist crying out to the Lord in a time of need. With my whole heart I cry; answer me, O Lord! I […]

Looking for Buried Treasure

  One day, I was out walking and noticed a man with a metal detector methodically covering a patch of ground. Slowly and diligently, he combed first one patch of ground and then another, occasionally stooping to dig up a coin or small trinket. After an hour, he finally packed up his gear and left. […]

Foggy Thoughts and Fickle Feet

“We make time for what we truly value. We build habits and routines around the things that really matter to us.” —C.J. Mahaney True statement. But we don’t always like to hear this when it comes to prioritizing time in God’s Word and prayer in our lives. The danger of just fitting the Word of […]

Weary and Waiting

This week in our reading of Psalm 119, I was struck by two verses in particular. Uphold me according to Your word, that I may live; And do not let me be ashamed of my hope. Hold me up, and I shall be safe, And I shall observe Your statutes continually. —Psalm 119:116-117 I sensed an inner struggle […]

Sweet Words

Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day. —Psalm 119:97 In the last several weeks as we’ve read and journaled through Psalm 119, we’ve seen the psalmist pour out his heart and share his struggles. We’ve seen how he turns to the Lord and His Word for help, deliverance, safety, comfort […]