A Lovely Dwelling Place

One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after:
 that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
 to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
 and to inquire in his temple. Today we come to the final few phrases of this rich verse. For the next three weeks, […]

Shouts and Whispers

I hit send and the text message containing the verse for the day went through. I’ve been trying to cultivate the habit of sending a daily Scripture to my boys each morning—just another way to get truth into their hearts. Fifteen or so seconds passed and I hear the ping of my phone indicating a […]

Greatest Treasure

For the past two weeks we have focused on the first portion of Psalm 27:4:  One thing have I asked of the LORD (Jehovah). We studied the meaning and importance of the name Jehovah,and the difference Jehovah can make in a situation, a person or an experience if we place Him in that “thing.” We talked […]

A Heart Cleansing: A Story of Prayer and Fasting

We live in two worlds—the physical world and the spiritual world and those two worlds are constantly battling each other. Our fleshly nature wants to be in control, but the Spirit of God in us should be in control. All too often our flesh wins this battle. We can see, touch, smell, hear, and taste […]

From “What If”to He Is!

 Happy Monday, friends! Last week I had you focus on the passage from Psalm 27:4 listed below in several translations. I want you to slowly read this verse again (Yes, in all three translations.) and allow it to seep into the crevices of heart and mind.  ESV One thing have I asked of the Lord, […]