Letting Go to Spring Forth

My hand aches from clenching my fist as the phlebotomist tries to find a vein. He sees the one he wants and goes for it. “You’re going to feel a pinch,” he says. I brace myself but don’t look away. Watching appeals to me for some odd reason. Much to my surprise, I feel nothing—not […]

When God Says ‘No’

Last week a mom spoke to me about her recent heartache and I believe Empty Nesters will understand.  Her adult child was hospitalized, and everything in that mom wanted to take off and be fully available to help.  However, circumstances made it impossible. There’s something in a mama’s heart that wants to get to the situation and […]

The Bucket List

A friend sent these words by Steve Bezner to me, and I must say, they were enough to stop me in my tracks. “Sometimes I joke about what I’d do if I had one day left to live. Eat junk, go crazy, etc. Today it hit me: Jesus knew. And He washed feet.” Do you […]

Light My Path

It would be really bad if I tripped and hurt something.  No sooner had the thought run through my mind then my ankle gave out and I fell to a knee. There was a moment of pause as I assessed the situation and realized nothing was truly hurt—maybe my pride, but nothing major. It was […]