4 Simple Things to Do During the Fallout of Divorce

When I got the phone call ending our marriage of twenty years, it was like a grenade went off in my face. A gentler way of saying that is that I was shocked and stunned. Disoriented. And when that happens, you need help right away because you’re not thinking “per usual.” And you’re definitely not […]

Keeping the Faith While Raising a Child With Special Needs

It is no secret that being a mom is one of the hardest and most time-consuming jobs a woman could ever have. While hard and time-consuming, I am quickly reminded that it is by far the most rewarding job I could have ever been given. I am “mom” to three precious children – Jameson (7), […]

Glorifying God with Movement

It was December 22nd, 2014 and I vividly remember looking at my newborn for the first time and thinking my life and my body will never be the same. If I’m being honest, those thoughts were coming more from a place of fear rather than a place of joy. A place of knowing I would […]

The Cross of Comparison

  You close the door to your child’s room ever so gently and creep down the stairs, careful to miss all the creaks. You make it to the couch, throw yourself down, and heavily exhale. Another successful naptime in the books, achieving some much-deserved time alone. Silence—a moment to yourself. Time that is sought after […]

Magnify His Name

Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. â€”Psalm 34:3 Think about this idea of magnification with me for a moment. When we use a magnifying glass to observe something, we don’t actually make the object larger. We aren’t altering its size, but rather we are altering our perception of that object. […]

Grace Upon Grace

I remember looking at my mother when I was a preteen- no make-up on, dressed in outdated clothes, hair a mess, and promising myself that I would never be that person.  There are days that I look at myself in the mirror now, and I see that woman I judged so harshly as a pre-teen.  […]