The Gift of Lingering

How is it that Thanksgiving has already passed, and Christmas is now ahead? How is it that time seems to be moving quicker each day? Am I the only one who feels this way? Do you perhaps wish that time would slow down but for a moment? There has been a word that keeps popping […]

Longing for His Glory

Are you satisfied today? Is your heart at rest, or are you longing for something more? Do you wonder if checking the next box off in your “life plan” will satisfy the innermost longings of your heart? Are you placing your hope for joy and peace on someone or something—a guy, a ring, a baby, […]

Palm Stretched Out

Hands are interesting things, aren’t they? Five fingers. A palm. Some knuckles. Perhaps some arthritis, maybe fancy nails, turn them over and you might see calluses. Maybe there are short fingers, long fingers, curved fingers. Maybe the hand isn’t even a hand at all, perhaps it’s a foot that functions in the place of a […]