Our Advocate in Prayer
Drew Robinson, Connections and Communications Pastor Hebrews 4:16
Drew Robinson, Connections and Communications Pastor Hebrews 4:16
Peter took his eyes off Jesus in Matthew 14 and became overwhelmed by the storm surrounding him, but let’s be encouraged to fix our eyes as we respond to the Lord’s invitation – 1, 2, 3 eyes on me!
Am I just a believer in Jesus or am I a disciple of Jesus? Let’s look at passages in Matthew 11 and 16 and in John 12 as we study what it means to be surrendered and daily die to self.
Dave Dillard, Pastoral Care and Mature Adults Pastor, Warren Augusta
How can we be women who readily recognize what God is asking of us and immediately respond? Join Jenna from her couch as we study examples from John 8 and Luke 5.
Beth Powell, Associate Director of Preschool Ministry, Warren Augusta
As women we tend to take on burdens that are not ours to bear. There is a keeper, and it is not us! Spend some time in Psalm 121 and be reminded who The Keeper truly is.