Women of Warren Vlog – Our Yearn for Perfection

Ecclesiastes 3:11 says “He has set eternity in the human heart.” What if our yearn for perfection is God-given? Luke 10 gives us two different examples of how this yearn for perfection can either drive us to strive for perfection or it can drive us to the feet of the only Perfect One.

Women of Warren Vlog – I Have Learned

In Philippians 4 Paul repeats the phrase “I have learned” as he explains how he has a content heart in hard circumstances. May we have teachable hearts through the hard of life so that we, like Paul, can say “I have learned”.

Women of Warren Vlog – Mountaintop to Valley

Elijah went straight into a valley after his mountaintop experience with the Lord in 1 Kings 10, but the Lord sweetly met him in the valley and invited him to share his discouraged heart. The Lord faithfully provided for Elijah’s physical needs and reminded Elijah of His powerful presence through a whisper before He sent […]