Silence. Do you ever crave it, wondering just what secrets lie in its wake?
Sometimes, I find myself wishing for the pause of a moment, for the simple elegance of bliss. That sort of feeling when for once you don’t have to wake up to an alarm, but rather to the silence of a room bathed in sunshine, your bed a warm cocoon.
It’s something so simple, and yet so wonderful. In those moments, I am reminded of words written by William Shakespeare in Much Ado About Nothing, “Silence is the perfectest herald of joy.” For in those moments, I feel joyful, peaceful, and that inner part of me cries out in thanksgiving to the Lord.
But what about those times in life when even silence doesn’t bring the peace and relaxation you seek? Am I the only one who at times feels bogged down with all the prayers they need to pray? I can’t be the only who struggles to open the Word from time to time because it feels dry?
Early this morning, I had returned from my workout, washed my face, prepared a cup of coffee, and sat down to begin my Bible reading for the day. Glancing at the reading list, I noted I would be reading Psalm 19. Thinking nothing of it, I began to read slowly, trying not to casually pass my eyes over the verses, but rather, read with intention.
Gently, ever so gently, the Word began to seep in.
The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. –Psalm 19:1(ESV)
Read that verse again. And this time, read it slowly, focusing on each word individually.
I was captivated by this verse for all the encouragement it brought me. I guess what I should have shared with you is that I have been walking through a spiritually dry season, a season of forcing myself to read the Word daily, and to walk in faith. Not because of a feeling but rather out of seeking Him who made me.
This verse spoke to my heart, for its reminder that God is always working.
Can you imagine if the Lord proclaimed his glory with noise? If each morning when the sun rose, an explosion of a cannon sounded throughout the world as light broke over the horizon. It would be terrifying, and rather overwhelming. And I fear, that after years upon years of each morning beginning the same way, I wouldn’t even hear it.
Rather than sound, our Lord uses the light of day to remind us that He is here. Though we may not always feel His presence, He is with us. Though it may seem like day runs into day, the Lord has set the sun in the sky to bring life.
My prayer for you is to keep moving forward, to keeping moving closer to God. I don’t know what it is you’re struggling with, but all I can say is to “look up.” Whether it is a cloudy day, sunny or rainy, we know the sun is always shining. Draw from the strength of knowing that the same God who makes the sun rise, is with you today.
And as you move in duty, seeking the silence of His presence, you just might feel Him warming your heart and reviving your soul.
[The sun’s] rising is from the end of the heavens,
and its circuit to the end of them,
and there is nothing hidden from its heat. –Psalm 19:6 (ESV)