I’m Listening – Reader Survey

There are two things that can get you off track in the marriage. The first is not speaking up to the other about what you want and need. The second is not listening to the other about what they want and need.

If you will take just two minutes or less to fill out this reader survey, you can speak up about what you want and need in this blog, and I can listen and try to make the blog more helpful to you.

The survey is very simple and easy. (It’s mainly click-the-box type of questions.) So as a reader of the Normal Marriage blog, please give me just two minutes of your time to help me make this blog better for you, and thanks for reading.

[otw_shortcode_button href=”https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GVSGWKV” size=”large” icon_type=”general foundicon-right-arrow” icon_position=”left” shape=”round” color_class=”otw-green” target=”_blank”]Take the Survey[/otw_shortcode_button]

