Called to Pray: Day 28

Called to Pray Day 28

Day 28

Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible. -Ephesians 6: 23-24

Incorruptible love—that is how I long to live, Father. Help me to pursue peace, to walk in faith, and to love with a heart set on You. Lord, Your grace is power and Your hope overflows when I trust in You alone. Father, today I dedicate my heart and life to be set on You no matter what comes my way, for You are there.


Additional Prayer Questions & Points to Pray Through

  • Are my eyes set on the peace that comes through our Lord Jesus Christ?
    God, sharpen my focus and attention to the purpose of Your church. I am Your vessel to be used for Your glory as an offering of peace. Help me to walk in love by the faith that You have called me to uphold.
  • Is my love for the Lord incorruptible?
    Father, You are above all, Your majesty beyond comprehension. Today, Lord, I set my steps to follow You, not looking to the right or the left, but my eyes transfixed on You—my focus undeterred by the world. For in You alone, my Lord Jesus Christ, is life everlasting. Amen.
