October 7, 2015

Warren Prayer Blog

by Jacqueline Heider

During the month of October our prayer focus will be relationships. We will pray for marriages, families, friendships, work relationships, neighbors, and even those we simply meet on the go. I encourage you to download the Scripture and prayer points that are attached each week and pray for them daily.

One anothersThe Bible has a lot to say about doing things for “one another.” In fact, there are over 50 times in Scripture that the phrase “one another” is used. We are instructed to pray for one another, be kind to one another, show hospitality to one another, forgive one another, and more.

This week use this list of “one anothers” to pray for your marriage, your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. You will find that as you focus on “others” rather than “self,” your attitude and actions will change and God will be glorified in your life.

Download and print the list of “One Anothers” here.

