Walking Worthy β Strengthened With All Power
May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience,
We continue this week to look at the practices that Paul outlines in his prayer as a characteristic of one who walks worthy of Lord by pleasing God in all things.
This third practice is that we would be strengthened with all power.
This word for strengthened in the original Greek is dynamo, which means to make strong, confirm, strengthen. Paul is praying that we would be made strong, but for what and by what means?
We are told that we are strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might! We are made strong by the power of God and by His glorious might! These are powerful words. Power is dunamis which means inherent power or power residing in something by virtue of its nature. We are talking about the omnipotence of God! It is the same power described in Ephesians 1:15-23. Take a few moments to read these powerful verses.
Did you notice that the power described is that which was demonstrated by God when He Christ Jesus from the dead and put Him over ALL things so that He might fill ALL things in EVERY way! That is for us! It is his power working in and through us and all for His glory.
Colossians 1:11 also tells us that this power is for two purposes: endurance and patience. We will discuss patience next week, but letβs talk about this endurance.
Endurance in the original language is hupomone, which means a steadfastness and patience in circumstances. It is a steadfast or patient waiting and speaks of a man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and his faith even by the greatest trials and sufferings.
Paul is praying that the power of God would be their strength during the difficult circumstances and trials of life. This is an encouraging and comforting word to us in the middle of something difficult. We can rest and rely on the power of God to give us strength to make it through the trial or perhaps the day.
Psalm 62:8 tells us to pour out our hearts to God because He is our refuge! Pour out means to gush forth and spill over. So, spill it out to the Lord! He is powerful! He is here to help in time of need!
Join us next week as we look at having strength for patience.
Women of Warren
This post first appeared on the blog, susancady.com, Β©2012