Welcome to week 5! This week and next we will be talking about … submission! Please don’t click off the page now! We are at the halfway point of the study and this is the crux of it all.
Begin by Praying (Ask God to open your heart and mind so you can understand His Word)
Now Read … I want you to take a moment and read the WOW Weekly Moment post from this week as it will give you the big picture for lessons 11-13. Click here to read that post.
Listen (Receive some thoughts and further insights about the lessons studied)
The most effectual portion of this week’s assignment is found in 1 Peter 2:21. It says,
For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.
I highlighted the word “example,” because it gives us great insight into how we can “put on a gentle and quiet spirit.”
Example is from the Greek word hypogrammos. It is defined as a writing copy, including all the letters of the alphabet, given to beginners as an aid in learning to draw them.
Vine’s Expository Dictionary says: “an under-writing” (from hupographo, “to write under, to trace letters” for copying by scholars); hence, “a writing-copy, an example,” 1Pe 2:21, said of what Christ left for believers, by His sufferings (not expiatory, but exemplary), that they might “follow His steps.”
We are to trace the lines of Jesus Christ’s life, my friends, and in doing so we will learn to have the type of spirit He had. I love the word picture. It’s like child who is learning to write. She must trace the letters ever so carefully. She must examine the lines and the shapes and memorize them. She must write and rewrite them. It is only then that she can go from writing individual letters to forming words, sentences, paragraphs, books.
Do you see it? We have to study and trace the patterns of Jesus. Let’s do that now.
Take a moment and read Isaiah 53. Jesus chose to “entrust himself to the one who judges justly.” He chose to submit and endure suffering because of His great love His Father and because of His great love for us? What about you?
Respond (Apply spiritual truth to your life)
Now go back and read pp. 78-79 from Putting On a Gentle and Quiet Spirit. What does your heart say?
Spend some time meditating on the life and sufferings of Jesus. Trace the lines of His beautiful face. Trace the scars on His hands from the nails and the bruises and rough edges of torn flesh on His back from the beatings He endured. Then commit to follow His example when you have to endure suffering. Oh, it isn’t easy my sweet sister, but it is the way to becoming more like Christ and having that gentle and quiet spirit.
Pray and thank God for revealing Truth to you. Ask Jesus to help these deep truths sink into your heart and mind.