Above the Waves – The Word, Part 2




Anytime we set out on  a journey, we must make sure we have everything we need. One of the things we need when traveling by boat is an anchor. An Anchor is an important device on a ship when starting a voyage because it will keep a ship from drifting due to wind or current. An anchor holds the vessel steady. An anchor is a trusted and secure device that will protect its vessel during the storm.

Hebrews 6:19 says …

We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. (ESV)

That hope is real and true, an anchor to steady our restless souls, a hope that leads us back behind the curtain to where God is (as the high priests did in the days when reconciliation flowed from sacrifices in the temple) (The Voice Translation)

When we encounter storms along our journey, we often choose faulty anchors to cling to. We choose temporary anchors that help only circumstantially. We cling to things like jobs, money, people, comfort, and control. When we cling to these circumstantial anchors, our hands are full and do not allow us to adhere ourselves to our one, true anchor, Jesus and the blessed benefits that come from His powerful presence.

At the retreat our speaker, Debbie Stuart, mentioned several anchors to cling to during our storms:

Acts 27:29 says, And fearing that we might run on the rocks, they let down four anchors from the stern and prayed for day to come.

  • Obedience – We must do what the Lord says do.
  • Courage – We are to be brave and stand firm.
  • Believe – We are to ask the Lord and trust what He says.
  • Thanksgiving – We are to be thankful for our storms and shipwrecks.

She also said this regarding storms and shipwrecks, and though it may sound a bit strong, I agree with her when she said …

“To beg God to deliver you from painful circumstances and difficulty will only serve to make you weak, spoiled, and spiritually unresponsive.”

God desires that we become strong in Him (Ephesians 6:10-11). He wants us to remember and understand that He works for the good of the Kingdom, not just the good of me or you (Romans 8:28). And He wants us to be sensitive and discerning to His spirit. (John 10:27-28).

There are a few more anchors I’d like to add to Debbie’s list. These anchors keep us grounded in the storms and on the shore …

  • God’s Word is an anchor. It gives us wisdom to know what to do.
  • Prayer is an anchor. It propels us into Jesus’ presence.
  • Praise is an anchor. It makes the enemy turn and run!

The final and most important anchor is Jesus, Himself. Jesus is permanent, He will never leave, has never failed, and will always get us safely to the shore.

Read Matthew 14:22-33.

Some points to notice in this passage about Jesus …

  • He came to the disciples in the boat. He sent them over to the other side, but didn’t leave them to themselves. He joined them.
  • He had power to defy the winds and the waves … He walked on water.
  • When Peter asked Him tif He could walk to Him on the water, He told Him to come. And He gave Peter the power to do so as long as He looked to Him and not his circumstances.
  • When Peter began to doubt, He rescued Him.
  • He got them safely to shore.

Here’s what I believe to be true … Jesus doesn’t just want us to keep our head above the waves, stay in the boat, or swim safely to shore … Jesus wants us to walk on water with Him.

He is the One who can turn messes into miracles.

This Jesus is the One Hebrews 6:19 is talking about.

That hope is real and true, an anchor to steady our restless souls, a hope that leads us back behind the curtain to where God is (as the high priests did in the days when reconciliation flowed from sacrifices in the temple) (The Voice Translation)

He took the messiness of the cross and made Himself our mediator. He didn’t go behind the curtain, His body, His flesh was the curtain, and it was torn in two giving us access to His presence. He didn’t offer a sacrifice on the mercy seat, He is the mercy seat.

No, Jesus didn’t die so we could stay above the waves; He died so we could experience miracle after miracle with Him.

Will you get out of the boat this week? Will you look to your anchor, Jesus,  and not your circumstances, take His hand and walk on water with Him? He will get you safely to the shore, and your mess will become a miracle used for His glory!

