For Such a Time as This

such a time as this

such a time as this

There have been several times in my life where I’ve felt like our family would’ve been a better fit in another decade or even century. A time when things were simpler and people took pride in their work. A time where doors were left unlocked and Sundays were spent visiting with family members. When time seemed to creep by slowly, allowing you to savor every moment. Instead, I was born at a time that tossed me into the throws of adulthood with the roles and responsibilities of a wife and mother at a very uncertain time in America, and even the world. And life isn’t that simple, and time seems to pass before our very eyes. I can’t help but question, “Why was I born at a time like this?”

I think many of us could say that for ourselves today. We wish things were simple again and for times to not be so scary. We are fearful for our children and future generations as we have witnessed what seems to be the unfolding of the basic values in which America was built upon. I’m not going to dive into political viewpoints, racial tensions, warfare, or any other specific social or cultural crisis we are in the middle of. Those topics, in my opinion, should be discussed on a personal level and not necessarily on social media. I just don’t think anything gets accomplished that way.

What I do wish to focus on is how we, as Christians, question God’s plan for our lives without realizing what we are doing. When we question why we have to live through a time like this, we are sinning against Him. Because HE is the sole creator of life, we are not. We are, in essence, telling Him that He got it all wrong. That He, the holy and blameless One, made a mistake. Ouch. Not what we intend is it?

As I have questioned a lot of things lately, I came to the realization that we were created for this time because He wanted us here. With the type of spiritual warfare among us, maybe He thought we had the capability to be His warriors. He knew that, if we chose, we could win the battle for Him. The time is now for us to take up our cross and truly follow Him–to win souls for Him. It is not a time to roll over and hope and pray that it just all disappears. It won’t. As Christians, we know it won’t because of what is already written in His Word. We were born for such a time as this because He had faith in our ability to carry this responsibility.

Maybe you feel inadequate or hopeless like I often do. But let’s not forget that He is still the same God today as He was in the beginning. He is still the same God that called the unlikely to do the most remarkable things. He is still the same God that shut the mouths of lions, conquered giants, and brought the dead back to life. Yes, alone we are inadequate and hopeless. But with Him we will not fail.

I’ve thought a lot about Esther lately. She was an orphaned Jewish girl who was chosen to be queen. Shortly after, she discovered an evil plot being issued to destroy her people.  She had a choice to make. She could remain silent to save her identity as a Jew, or she could risk her life to save an entire lineage. God prepared the place and the opportunity, Esther chose to act. She risked her life so that all could have life.

What about you and me as Christians? God has prepared the place and the opportunity.  All we have to do is follow His lead. Yes the battle will be hard. The time in which we live is hard. He never promised us easy. But love has already won the war. Not just any love–but His love. It was won when Christ was nailed to the cross and He uttered the words: “IT IS FINISHED.”

jenny jerkins
