October 8, 2012


Walking Worthy – Strengthened for Patience
Colossians 1:11
May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience,
Last week we looked at the third practice of walking worthy, being strengthened with all power, for the purpose of endurance to help us in difficult circumstances.  This week we will examine the second aspect of being strengthened with all power for the purpose of patience.
Whereas endurance relates to circumstances, patience deals with relationships.  We can all attest to the fact that relationships can be messy.  We have all been hurt, disappointed, or frustrated in a relationship at some point in our lives.  But God offers us strength-His power- to deal with difficult relationship issues.
The word for patience in the original language is,makrothymia,which means endurance, forbearance, longsuffering, slowness in avenging wrongs; endurance in bearing troubles and ills;the self restraint which does not hastily retailiate a wrong.
Our strength to forbear with others is not based on our abilities, but on God’s power.  Remember from last week, this power is the same that God exerted when He raised Christ Jesus from the dead (Eph 1:15-23).  We have access to this power because of our relationship with Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit living in us.  The key to accessing this power is surrender.  We choose to surrender our desires and rights and allow God to work in and through us.  Christ has given us an example to follow and imitate.
Have you been hurt, wronged or disappointed by someone?  Read the following passages and note what you can learn from Christ about handling difficult relationships. 
Christ’s Example:
So … if you are currently dealing with a difficult relationship, ask yourself the following questions:
  • Am I relying on God to handle this or am I trying to take matters into my own hands?
  • Am I using tactics such as retaliation, negotiation or manipulation to “fix” the problem?
Why not try casting your cares and anxieties on the Lord and entrust yourself to the One who judges justly!  He is faithful to keep you, strengthen you and restore what is broken.  We are praying that God will “lift you up” this week as you rely on Him!
Women of Warren
This post first appeared on the blog, susancady.com, ©2012
