The theme of CHANGE has been brought up repeatedly this last year and God has been quietly speaking to me—reminding me of so many moments, not just this year, but over my life— how He has been faithful.
Specifically this week he brought to mind some of the change I walked through almost a decade ago. It was painful, ugly and at times felt unbearable. It flipped my life upside-down.
When you’re in the dark you don’t see the light.
When you’re asleep you miss the point.
When you’re in the ashes you don’t see beauty.
Until HE shines through.
Wakes you up.
Opens your eyes and shows you how He makes things new.
Unclenches your fist to hold your hand.
Breaks down walls to reveal your identity.
Your TRUE identity.
He knew from the beginning what every day of my life would look like. Every decision. Every thought. Every breath. And He still intentionally came after me and never gave up on me.
Change can be hard. But it also can be so good. And exactly what we need. Because HE knows so much better than us. He knows where we’ve been but also where we are going.
If you don’t know that yet, keep trusting and persevering. You’re right where you’re supposed be. Just wait. You’ll see.
“Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”
Ephesians 5:14 ESV