Overwhelmed: Redeeming Your Friendships
May 23, 2016 | Andrew Skelton [powerpress url=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/Warren-Audio/College/160523_unite.mp3″]
May 23, 2016 | Andrew Skelton [powerpress url=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/Warren-Audio/College/160523_unite.mp3″]
June 20, 2016 | Andrew Skelton [powerpress url=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/Warren-Audio/College/160620.mp3″]
The word “normal” can go either way. If you’re talking about blood pressure, eye sight, or the size of your newborn’s head, “normal” is a good thing. If you’re talking about academics, talent, or marriage, “normal” seems less than desirable. Many couples beat themselves up and stress themselves out trying to keep their marriage […]
“We were also given absolutely terrific promises to pass on to you — your tickets to participation in the life of God after you turned your back on a world corrupted by lust. So don’t lose a minute in building on what you’ve been given, complementing your basic faith with good character.”—2 Peter 1:4-5 (The Message […]
I, Simon Peter, am a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ. I write this to you whose experience with God is as life-changing as ours, all due to our God’s straight dealing and the intervention of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Grace and peace to you many times over as you deepen in your […]
Praise to Ignite Victory Our most powerful weapon in battle is praise. Praise ignites victory and sends the enemy running. Try beginning and ending your prayers with praise. Why Praise? •Praise places God in His rightful position. •Praise is unselfish. It causes us to shift our prayer from self to God. •Praise changes our focus […]
I watched as my husband, Alex, navigated the excavator. This was a first for him, but he was determined. Using the backhoe he tried again and again to dig up the large chunks of root buried deep in the ground. Why was this so difficult? Well, the difficulty came in trying to dredge up roots […]
Persevere with Offense in Prayer When praying offensive prayers, think of praying for something rather than against it. Our offensive prayers strengthen marriages and other relationships and promote the light and love of the Gospel. What is offensive prayer? •Positive prayer •Praying for the advancement of light, love, and truth •Praying for rather than praying […]
Emojis are the little faces and symbols we use to clarify the intent and feeling behind the words we text, tweet, and post. It was once just elementary school children who drew smiley faces on ruled paper, but now CEO’s in suits are tacking these little faces on the end of their electronic communications. Emojis […]
For me, summer is all about relaxation, playing catch up, and filling my days with all of the things I haven’t been able to do in what seems like forever. For you, your job may not pause for a summer break, but you can still attest to the fact that summer is a time to […]