Serpents, Dark Paths, & Bare Feet

One evening last summer while vacationing in Hilton Head, I was walking from the beach back to our rented house. It was pitch black dark, and I didn’t have a flashlight. My friends in front had a light, but they were so far ahead the light did me no good. All of a sudden, I […]

Walk With Him

Think back over the last 5 years. Have you purchased a new pair of shoes within that timeframe? Were they for comfort? Elegance? Business? Did you purchase them to match an outfit for a special occasion? Or were they for a more functional purpose, say boots to protect your feet on a hike? Whatever the […]

If the Shoe Fits … Rock It!

“Her shoes are cuter than my shoes!” I have made that statement at times, haven’t you? There have been times in my life when I have desperately wanted what another has, but the Lord has always been gracious to show me that, though I may want what that person has, I may not want to […]

In Her Shoes

As I have been preparing for our up-coming Women’s Retreat, I’ve been immersed in thoughts of shoes as the theme for our retreat is In Her Shoes. I’ve been thinking about the kinds of shoes I wear versus the kinds of shoes you wear. The truth is, we all wear different shoes, literally and figuratively. […]

20/20 Vision

Happy New Year! Last year, amid a time of confusion and wanting to seek the Lord’s will, I told a friend, “I just want clarity.” Her humorous response was, “Wait for next year, it’ll be 20/20 vision if ya know what I mean?” While she gave me a good laugh, I find myself thinking of those […]