Shouts & Whispers

  I hit send and the text message containing the verse for the day went through. I’ve been trying to cultivate the habit of sending a daily Scripture to my boys each morning—just another way to get truth into their hearts. Fifteen or so seconds passed and I hear the ping of my phone indicating […]

Wad Up Your Worries

  I have something I want you to do. Take a piece of paper (any size will do) and write down something that worries you a lot. Now take that paper, wad it up, and toss it in the trash. How did that feel? Recently, our Family Ministry Team hosted something called Family Conversations. The […]

Not Another Marriage List!

We’ve all seen them. They’re in the magazines that line the grocery store check-out aisles. They’re scattered throughout our social media feeds. They are written by academics, psychologists, and freelance writers. And they have titles that dare us to see how we measure up. What are they? They are those lists of characteristics that supposedly […]

Silent Soul Surrender

  “Our brokenness can be a container for God’s glory” – Ann Voskamp Have you ever wondered why? Have you grown disheartened in the struggle, in the worry, in the anxiety of life not being the way you thought it would be? Perhaps you’re scared as you walk through a trial you never expected? I […]

I Missed The Moment

  How long has it been since you were without your phone? No, seriously. Are you like me, is your phone typically within reach? And if not, do you always know where it is so you can reply if anyone reaches out? Do you use excuses? Thinking that the reason you have it near is […]

A Way In The Valley

  Someone recently asked me, “How are you so on fire for the Lord? You’re so excited about Scripture.” I nearly laughed, even as I was incredibly humbled by this statement. You see, last year, I was anything but on fire for the Lord. I was walking through a deep valley—one of disgruntled frustration and […]

UPS Can Clear Up Your Communication

IT’S NOT A LACK OF COMMUNICATION You’ve heard it a million times. “Communication is the key to a good marriage.” This cliché statement has caused many an eye-roll in marriage, but here’s the problem…there’s communication in every marriage. Even when you’re not saying anything, you’re saying something. It’s not a lack of communication that erodes […]