Living for Today

  I am guilty of striving. Of keeping busy and not resting. Of worrying when I should be reading or spending time in the Word. Of working and doing, rather than sitting and listening. Have you ever been that person in a conversation, where while a friend is talking you are just sitting there waiting […]

All Else Shall Fade

  What would you ask Jesus if He was sitting with you today? Let that sink in … take some time to think about it. And then, when you have that in mind, read on. See, it’s taken me some time to write this blog. Sometimes thoughts are too complex for words, they can be […]

Momming Ain’t Easy

  Being a mom is one of the most rewarding jobs that I’ve ever had, but it’s also one of the most challenging.  My son has special needs which adds another dimension to navigating the complexities of motherhood in 2022!  Momming ain’t easy yall! Often times when I find myself in stressful situations, like trying […]

The King of Life

  “I have seen the Lord!” This is the declaration of Mary Magdalene as she returns from the tomb of Christ—the place that once held death and was now a holy ground of life evermore. Her words are a celebration, a cry of joy for what was once dead and gone, is now alive and […]

Just Be

  There is something about water that always draws my attention. Perhaps it is because it can change so quickly. It can be calm, and reflective. It can ripple and pucker. Sometimes it will rush and splash, crash, and tumble. Or it can gush forward in a torrent with enough strength to tear down buildings […]