Kids@Warren partners with parents to raise kids who follow Jesus, love God's word, and change the world.
Infants-PreK4 @ 9:00 & 10:45AM
KG-Grade 4 @ 9:00 & 10:45AM

First Time Guests
Our Kids@Warren area is a safe, clean, and carefully staffed environment where your children will be well cared for while you enjoy the worship service.
For your child's safety and security, we provide:
- Safe and secure check-in/check-out procedures.
- Safe Haven approved, background-checked workers.
- Specific attention to health and allergy issues.
Upcoming Events
The Kids @ Warren Mission
We want to partner with parents to raise kids who...
Follow Jesus
Our goal is to lay a strong Biblical foundation on which belief and faith in Jesus Christ can be built through age-appropriate teaching and environments, helping children understand that following Jesus is not a one-time decision they make, it’s a heart transformation evidenced by a personal, growing relationship and a dependence on God in all areas of their lives.
Love God’s Word
Our desire is for children to be Biblically anchored in the never changing Word of God, so they can face a rapidly changing world with confidence.
Change the World
Children will either be influenced or influencers, both now and as they grow. We want to encourage kids to impact the world around them by loving and serving others and living on mission to make disciples and multiply disciple-makers.

Parent-Child Commissioning
Parent Commissioning is a time to commemorate the birth or adoption of a child and begin a partnership with parents as they raise their child in a Christ-centered home. It's our opportunity to pray over families and commit to come alongside you on your journey.
Parent Commissioning happens at the end of the service you regularly attend. Registration is required. Contact a Kids@Warren staff member below for more information.
Equipping and resourcing parents so they can be the best at the most important job they have.