Who are Your Friends?

My Post-82

“Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother…” Colossians 1:1

Christian… Who are your friends like Timothy? I wonder… Who are the ones in your life you’re most committed to helping come to know Jesus? No, more than that… You’re committed to helping them come to love Jesus.

Who are the ones who know you have their back…And you know they have yours as well. Who? I wonder. Not that you never have your tussles, but you know even those make you better!

And who are those you live on mission with?
You know, the ones who care about the same things you care about… The friends who day by day labor right along beside you… Yep, right along beside you to bring the Goodness of God into your world?

Oh and who are the ones you encourage…
Reminding them of the Spirit of Love and Power and Self Control our Father has placed in them. I wonder who those are?

Y’all… I gotta believe this Christian Life we’ve been given was always meant to be lived with friends like Timothy.

Come on now, let’s pray…
Holy Spirit as You bring us to those You’d have us to share this life with, help us be everything our Father ever meant us to be for them. No more, no less. Jesus thank You for the Life You’ve given us… Especially Life with others who love You. Amen.

So then… What y’all want to do today?
Alright then, but be sure to bring a friend.
Now Let’s Go!

Charles Welch
Momentum Men’s Leader
