Even though it doesn’t quite feel like Fall, October has arrived. I don’t know about you, but sometimes toward the end of the year things can get a bit crazy. Between making it through the summer months and now looking forward to the holidays, it can seem like there is too much to do.
And when busyness happens, it can be easy to forget just who God is.
For the next four weeks we will be looking at some attributes of God. These will serve as a reminder of just who God is, the power He holds over all situations, and how cherished you are in His eyes.
What weighs you down? What makes you so tired and weary that you feel as though you can’t continue? What loads are you carrying that you simply need to let go of? Perhaps your daily to-do-list wears you down or the burden of finances, a job, or a relationship issue. Maybe you’re carrying around unforgiveness, bitterness, painful memories, or a bit of discontentment. Whatever load you’re bearing, my friend, I want you to know that Jesus, your Burden-bearer, desires to lighten your load.
We were never meant to go it alone. Jesus proclaimed this truth in many passages of Scripture to His followers, and He laid claim to a life free from burdens for us when He carried a heavy, wooden cross to Golgotha. It was there that every weight and burden of sin, self-sufficiency, pain, injustice, and turmoil were nailed down and lifted up by the King of kings and Lord of lords. When the cross went up, the burdens of the world came crashing down on Jesus. And HE alone carried them to the grave.
Your burdens were pronounced dead and were buried in the tomb with Jesus, sweet one. When He manifested His power to conquer death and rose from the tomb, Jesus proved Himself more than willing and more than capable of handling your burdens.
Why, then, do you dig them up from their place of rest, throw them over your shoulders and lug them around? Surrender your burdens to the Burden-bearer. He is able to lighten your load, walk with you along the weary road, and lessen the blows if you will only let go.
A prayer for today …
God, I praise You that You are the One who desires to carry all my burdens. You say, “Come to me … and I will give you rest.” Help me to rest in You as the only One who can lift the heavy loads I often have to carry. I ask You to refresh my soul and cause me to run to You with everything so I can experience the peace that comes only from Your presence. Amen.
For further study on the attributes of God, visit Jacqueline’s website at jacquelineheider.com.
Have a blessed week!
Jacqueline Heider
Director of Women’s Ministry,
Prayer, and Special Needs Ministry