Good Morning!
This week we will be taking a break from our
“Are You Walking in Fear or Faith” series. Enjoy this devotional by Susan Cady. I know it will be refreshing to your soul.
Jacqueline Heider
Women’s Ministry
God’s Word – A Spa for the Soul
Read Hebrews 4:12 and Psalm 19:7-11
Rejuvenates –
Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the word of God is living and active. These words actually mean “to have life, be alive” and “energy, capable of doing, power, engaged in work”. It is energy to our souls. It is actively working in us to bring about real life! It rejuvenates us when we are tired, weary, distraught, overwhelmed, fearful, worried or burdened.
Reveals –
We also read in the verse in Hebrews that God’s word judges the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. It’s like an exfoliation for our hearts and souls. It exposes areas of wrong thinking, wrong attitudes, and areas where the enemy has taken us captive in our thoughts. It reveals areas of our lives that are not wholeheartedly devoted to Him.
Revives –
Did you notice the ways God’s Word is described in Psalm 19:7-11? Go back and take another look. It says it is reviving the soul, enlightening the eyes, rejoicing the heart, making wise, and tastes sweeter than honey -these are great mental pictures for us of the rejuvenating and reviving power of God’s Word in our lives.
When we are in the Word of God, reading, studying and meditating upon it, we are able to recognize the lies that are keeping us captive, the lies that are hindering our growth, areas we need to surrender and truth we need to apply and live out. God uses it to expose and then restore so we reflect Christ Jesus.
Renews –
Read Romans 12:1-2. Romans tells us that we are transformed (changed) when we renew our minds. This enables us to discern God’s will. He changes our attitudes, thoughts, words and actions -all through the power of His Spirit at work within us and His powerful and energizing word of truth.
Could you use some rejuvenation in your life? Do you need to be refreshed in your soul and spirit? Spend some time today renewing your mind and reviving your heart and soul in God’s Word.
Rejoicing in Him!
Susan Cady
Women’s Ministry Bible Study Leader