February 4, 2013

Are You Walking in Fear or Faith?
Abram’s walk into the unknown
  • What did the Lord command Abram to do?
  • What did the Lord promise Abram He would do for him?
  • Did Abram obey the Lord?
  • How old was Abram when he left his homeland?
I can hardly imagine leaving my homeland at age 75 and traveling to some unknown place.  And can you imagine being his wife and having to pack up the house?  I’m not so sure I would have handled that well.  Scripture indicates, however, that Abram fully obeyed the Lord, packed up and didn’t turn back.
I love verse 1 of the Genesis passage.  The Lord said, “Go … to a land that I will show you.”  God, Himself, was Abram’s tour guide during his travels.  He never left Abram to go it alone.  
Verse 2 is similar, “I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you … and I will bless those who bless you …” God was actively involved in every aspect of Abram’s move to the unknown.
God is actively involved in our unknowns, as well.  He tells us in numerous places throughout the Bible that He will go with us and guide us through. 
A personal testimony …
When I was 22 years old, I packed my belongings and moved to Baton Rouge, Louisiana for graduate school.  My parents, though very apprehensive, drove me to Louisiana and set me up in my very own apartment.  I had a vast array of emotions, as did they.  In fact, my dad recently told me that leaving me there all alone was the single most difficult thing he has ever had to do in his life. 
Oddly enough, though I was in a “foreign” land, with no family, no friends and no knowledge of the area, I never really felt afraid.  Deep down I had an unexplainable peace.  Oh, there were times when things got difficult, but through every rough place and every storm, I knew the Lord was with me.  In fact, up until that point in my life I had never felt the Lord’s presence or seen the hand of God working so clearly in my life. 
God did such sweet things for me during this time. He led me to a church immediately, gave me some wonderful Christian friends and an “adopted family.”  I grew so very close to the Lord while I was there too.  My purpose in going to Louisiana was to get a degree.  God’s purpose was for me to learn to depend on and trust in Him. I had to – He was all I had!
What about you… 
Is God telling you to “go?”  
Is He telling you it’s time to step out and walk in faithful obedience to Him into the unknown?  
I can promise you from experience that God is faithful, trustworthy and dependable.  He will go ahead of you, prepare you and walk with you every step of the way.  It won’t always be easy, but if you are walking His path, you will experience joy as you walk in His presence!
So … what’s your next step going to be?  Will it be a step of fear or faith?
Praying we will walk in faith this week my sisters!
Jacqueline Heider
Women’s Ministry
