God’s Oil

God's Oil_May6

Have you ever wondered why we have to change the oil in our cars? We all do it. We drive to Jiffy Lube, Wal-mart, or in my case, Warren’s Single Moms Oil Change last Saturday during City Serve. We have this maintenance done regularly.

But do you know why it’s important? In short, as a car’s internal parts work together, they create irritation. The oil smoothes the engine and allows the internal parts to work together, without overheating.

There are times we need an oil change; a spiritual oil change is what I’m referring to. When our inner man is weak for instance, we need God’s oil.

Psalm 23:5 says, “You anoint my head with oil. My cup overflows.”

The oil David is talking about in this verse is the oil that gives to us. What do I mean? It’s spiritual oil that increases us, restores us, refreshes us, and renews us. I don’t know about you, but I need that kind of oil in my life regularly.

17th Century churchman and Dean of Rochester, Nathaniel Hardy, referenced in a commentary that anointing the head with oil provides great refreshment. He also pointed out three benefits of oil relating to the five senses. He says it provides, “smoothness to the touch, brightness to the sight, fragrancy to the smell, and [is] so gratifying the senses. It must cause delight to those anointed with it.”

So as the Spirit works in and through us, He like the oil, smoothes us, gives us eyes to see, ears to hear, and a mouth to declare. The Spirit of God alone rejoices us, exhilarates our souls, delights us, and gives us confidence and strength.

God wants to anoint your head with oil. He wants to give you confidence in Him!

How do I know? I am glad you asked! This past year I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I was confused and afraid.

The Lord anointed my head with oil.

He gave me strength, to go through the battle, through the chemo, through the weakness and baldness and fear of death. He gave me the confidence to smile, laugh and talk with others, while I was going through it.

And Now I am Cancer free!!

If you know Jesus, ask Him for the oil! Read His Word, pray, and seek His face. He desires to restore your soul and fill you with the oil of gladness daily.

