Let’s Go There


IMG_8033-1024x684Becoming a disciple of Christ is more than a one-time acknowledgement of Jesus as Savior and Lord. Becoming a disciple of Christ means that we live like Him, love like Him, serve like Him, and tell others about Him. We simply must “Go There” with those around us and make the most of our time spent here on earth.

Going There can mean telling someone about the hope you have in Jesus.

Going There can mean traveling to another country and loving on children.

Going There can mean handing out water bottles at a nearby community park.

Going There can mean helping someone through a difficult circumstance.

Going There can mean praying with someone in person or over the phone.

Going There can mean simply listening.

The important thing is to go and do, not stand and wait for it (whatever it may be) to come to you.

So Women of Warren, here’s my challenge to you: Let’s Go There this week.

Let’s Go There in Prayer.

The Challenge:  Ask God to help you identify one person this week to either pray with in person, by phone or by note/email.

Scripture tells us to pray and encourages us as we pray.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God. – Philippians 4:6

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groaning too deep for words. – Romans 8:26


I will never forget the first time someone prayed with me over the phone. I was in college about to do an important class presentation. Needless to say, I felt incredibly anxious. My phone rang and on the other end I heard the voice of my mom’s dear friend, Jan. My mother had asked her to pray for me that week, which she committed to do, but she also took her commitment a step further. She decided to Go There. God prompted her heart to call and pray with me over the phone, and I cannot tell you what that meant to me and what an impact that made on my life.

Because of that one call – that one simple act of stepping out of the comfort of what she knew and stepping into my situation through prayer – she made a lasting impression on me forever. Now, that’s one of my favorite ways to encourage and comfort women of all ages.

A simple phone call and a brief prayer makes all the difference.

We must never underestimate the power of prayer to change hearts and lives. Praying with someone or for someone affords us a way to be on mission with them in real time and gives them a touch of Jesus in the here and now.

So who is your Go There In Prayer this week?

Listen, I know it’s tough to put yourself out there and pray aloud. If that’s what’s stopping you from praying with someone in person or making the call and praying by phone, write the prayer out and read it as you pray with the person on the phone, or write the prayer in a note and mail a card. Either way, Go There In Prayer – bless, encourage, inspire, give hope. You never know what a difference God will make in the life of someone through your willingness to simply go.

Has someone Gone There In Prayer with you recently? Will you share what that simple gesture meant to you in the comment section below?

If you’re looking for a beautiful place to be alone and pray, or if you need a place to pray with someone, may I suggest our newly renovated War Room at Warren. This room is a haven of peace and rest – a perfect place to get alone with the Lord and spend time in prayer.



