Are You Walking in Fear or Faith?
Remember Who’s Giving You Your Marching Orders!
What do you learn from the Hebrews passage?
- “The People” (Israelites) crossed the Red Sea unharmed and their enemy was destroyed
- The walls of Jericho fell after seven days
- All this was done by faith
The Red Sea crossing and the falling of the Walls of Jericho were two extraordinary experiences that God used to show His mighty and powerful hand. In both instances, the Israelites were in the face of the enemy, and God, through a miracle, showed Himself faithful. He told them to “march on!” Fear was certainly a viable option on both occasions but obedience to God’s specific commands became the Israelites passageway to victory.
What about logic? Was the command to cross the Red Sea on foot the logical thing to do? Did the command to march around a city for a week and then shout on the seventh day make any sense? No, it did not! But even in the face of seeming absurdity, the followers of God chose to walk in obedient faith rather than run away in fear.
So, on these two occasions the Israelites chose obedience and faith in God, other times they did not. (One example is Exodus 32) Does this type of faith remind you of anyone? Aren’t we often like that? Depending on the level of our trust in God and our emotions at any given time, we either walk in belief or unbelief, fear or faith, in obedience or disobedience.
I’m so thankful God isn’t like that. God and His ways are constant. He is always the same, and when we look at His character (His attributes) this gives us hope and courage, and it builds our trust in God enabling us to walk in faith.
Let’s take a few moments and look at a few attributes of God
God is …
- Immutable – God is not subject to change through time or circumstances. He is invariable. Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:3
- Faithful – God is firm in His adherence to His promises. He is utterly dependable. Deuteronomy 7:9, 2 Timothy 2:13,
- Omnipotent – God has all power and therefore has unlimited authority and influence. Jeremiah 32:17, Matthew 28:18
- Omniscient – God knows all things. He has knowledge of all things past, present and future. Psalm 147:5, 1 John 3:20
God often asks us to obey Him in ways that don’t make sense from our perspective, but if we will keep our eyes fixed on Him and not the circumstances that surround us, we can march on in faith and not fear.
- How is God asking you to walk in faith today?
- What has marching orders has He given you to do that seems strange or even outrageous?
- Will you trust Him remembering that He is faithful, all-powerful and all-knowing?
- Remind yourself of times in the past when you have seen God display His faithfulness and remember that He is Immutable (unchanging). He will continue to be faithful to you!
One of my favorite verses is Zechariah 4:6. Meditate on these words and let it give you strength and courage as you march on today!
Jacqueline Heider
Women’s Ministry