Press On


The enemy looks for weakness. With laser-sharp focus, he prowls around looking for even the tiniest crack or crevasse to break through. Once he finds these holes his darts begin to fly. If we allow those arrows to penetrate and get in, they can become strongholds. 

In her book, As Silver Refined, Kay Arthur gives a list of “Deadly D’s in battle. Distraction, deception, disappointment, discouragement, depression—these are a few of the war games Satan uses. 

During our women’s dinner, I shared a few of my battles with you. Over the years, Satan has used all of these “Deadly D’s” on me.  And some of them he tries to use a lot.

The arrow of distraction gets me out of focus, causing me to do everything but that which God is calling me to do. Satan is a master of deception because the truth is not in him. He masquerades in light, yet is consumed by the darkness of sin. 

The enemy uses disappointment, as well. Knowing my perfectionistic tendencies, he schemes to convince me that this or that isn’t good enough or even worse, that the expectations I placed on someone else have merely become this person’s vendetta against me. 

Discouragement creeps in ever so quietly. One little thought leads to another, and then another. Pretty soon, I’ve sunk to a low place of doubt and wonder if I’m really equipped or called to do anything at all. If I don’t get a grip on my discouragement, I can fall into depression and if left unchecked, dejection, despair, and ultimately demoralization leave me defeated in battle.

Can you identify with any of these “Deadly D’s?”

See how Satan works? He’s a thief and a liar, coming only to steal, to kill, and to destroy.  

But Jesus says, no. He has come to give us abundant life—a life full of freedom. (John 10:10) 

I love what Hosea 6:3 says.  

Let us know; let us press on to know the LORD; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.”

When we are being pressed on, we can press on by pressing into God. 

As we move closer to His Word, kneel before the Father in prayer, and come along side by side with sisters in Christ, we encounter His presence and His power. This allows us to know Him more intimately. It is then that our blood-stained battlefields become fertile soil where good things grow. It’s as though God has heaped holy fertilizer on these once tattered and battered fields and made them gardens of glory and grace, full of victory.  He waters us with His Word, refreshes us with His presence, and showers us with His blessings.

I want to encourage you today. When you feel pressed on, try pressing on by pressing into God.  His Word and the ministry of prayer are powerful tools in the lives of believers. 

Over the next several weeks, some of our ladies will be sharing their Press On stories on this blog. These women are just like you and me. They are real, and they want to share their battles with you in hopes of encouraging you to press on.

Maybe you’re facing one of these battles today:

  • Singleness 
  • Marriage issues
  • Infertility
  • Cancer diagnosis
  • Wayward child
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Financial trouble
  • Addiction 
  • Workplace problem
  • Low self-esteem
  • Fear
  • Worry over a Child 

In the midst of your battle, I’m asking you to STOP and THINK for a moment. “Consider your ways.”(Haggai 1:7) Think before you surrender to one of Satan’s fiery darts. 

Then Remember:

  • You are not alone
  • You are not crazy
  • You are not wrong to feel the way you feel
  • You are not without hope
  • You do not need to isolate yourself
  • You do not need to give up
  • You do not need to run away or hide from shame
  • You do not need to work harder or try harder
  • You are enough.

Press into Jesus, my friend. 

  • Stand on God’s Promises 
  • Rely on His Power
  • Praise and Pray
  • Rest in His Presence 
  • Walk side by side with His People 

Press on!

©2018 Women of Warren, Warren Baptist Church
