The Jesus Wheel


This post appeared on first on Jacqueline’s blog,



It’s so easy to become overwhelmed, isn’t it? Recently, I found myself completely freaking out because I had so many things going on that I literally didn’t know what to do next. From work related duties, to a myriad of projects to do at home, I couldn’t see the end or the beginning. I was so overwhelmed I couldn’t even start on the to-do list I had in front of me.

Then I remembered something I used to do a long time ago. I call it my Jesus Wheel. I simply draw a large circle on a piece of paper, write “Jesus” in the middle of the circle, and make spokes around the circle to create a wheel. Then I write the things that are overwhelming me on the spokes of the wheel.

In essence what I am doing is placing Jesus at the center of everything. Just as the spokes on a bicycle wheel hold it together, so Jesus holds all things together.

Colossians 1:17 says, And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

Jesus wheel

After writing everything that’s outside of the realm of my control or ability to accomplish on my own on the wheel, I lay my hand on it and sing at the top of my lungs, Jesus Take the Wheel by Carrie Underwood.

No, not really! I’m only teasing!!

But what I do in that moment is pray!

I pray and ask the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to be King over all things.

And you know what? He does it every time! Well, He either does it or that which He doesn’t choose to do becomes unimportant or unnecessary. Either way, I get to mark it right off my list!

I’ve found that this simple visual helps me remember who is in charge. It helps me rely on Him to accomplish it. And it helps me rest in His power to get me there!

  • Remember
  • Rely
  • Rest

That’s my Jesus Wheel.

I invite you to try it.

Ask Jesus to take the wheel! Determine to focus your energies not on your own abilities, but on His never-ending power! Decide not to worry or be anxious but rather pray, ask, and trust then remember, rely, and rest!

