Precious In His Sight – Genuine Faith

What or who is precious to you? Oh wait!  Let’s define the word first before you answer. As an adjective the word precious is a descriptive term that means highly esteemed or of great value. As a noun, a darling or a dearly beloved person. Now, based on your knowledge and understanding of the word, […]

How Is Marriage Like Facebook, Makeup, and Toothpaste?

Here’s a marriage riddle for you. (As if marriage wasn’t perplexing enough.) How is marriage like Facebook, makeup, and toothpaste? And the answer is not that both spouses need better profiles, wife’s need to use more makeup, and husbands need to use more toothpaste. To find the answer, think about this. When people first start using Facebook they work hard […]

Encourage – From Fear & Grief to Peace that Transcends

This week’s testimony of encouragement is a story of God’s ability to take a tragic life experience and pour out His grace on the lives of those He loves. Listen as Trina shares with you … My husband David and I so wanted a baby, but we were having difficulty getting pregnant. We had done […]

What Can A Marriage Learn From A Suicide?

Last night I learned of the suicide of Robin Williams. I was shocked and saddened by the news. I’ve always been in awe of his ability to riff and improvise on the spot. It’s confusing when someone with so much to live for can’t see a reason to live. It’s jarring to think that someone could be so bright […]

Encourage – From Unloved to In Love!

  Meet Jeanna … Have you every felt like everything you know to be true, everyone you love, and every hope you ever had was lost? This week’s testimony of encouragement comes from a place of loneliness, loss, and desperation? But the beauty that is found in this story is one that will inspire you […]


I’ve just realized that I failed to post the last Normal Marriage Class audio from back in March of this year. So sorry to have left this one off, since it not only finishes a conversation about dealing with in-laws but also deals with the issue of sex in marriage.  So go back and listen […]

Are You Just A Partner?

I hear the word “partner” used a lot these days.  People use the term when they’re married, but they also use the term when they’re just living together. I know the term “partner” is an attempt to be politically correct and inclusive, but to me the term “partner” seems a little demeaning. I want to […]

Encourage – Recovering Pharisee

  Testimony of Encouragement #8 Meet Annie … Hypocrite Controlling Fearful Those three words may seem totally independent of one another, but in truth, they all stem from the same place inside me that does not trust God. Yeah, you heard me right. I was raised in a wonderful Christian home. Not without its faults. […]