Thoughts of Advent

Can you believe how quickly Christmas is approaching? Soon 2015 will but a memory. My prayer for you during this holiday season is for peace, lots and lots of peace. It is for joy, lots and lots of joy. And it is for love, lots and lots of love. As you seek to make Jesus […]

Did I Marry the Right One?

Did I marry “the right one?” There can be times in marriage when that question races across your mind like a streaker running across a football field. It can happen when you’re having that same old fight for the umpteenth time. It can happen when the two of you disagree on what’s fun and what’s boring. It […]

Thank You

“Thank you.” Two simple words that cost us nothing in time or energy, yet they can change the outlook and life of those who hear them. We all love to hear these words. We can all remember life-changing moments when someone sent us a note or looked us in the eye and said, “Thank you.” […]

November 25, 2015

Diminishing Disappointments with Thankfulness  Disappointment is a part of life. We disappoint ourselves, others disappoint us, and we are often disappointed by our circumstances. But God gives us an antidote that will combat the disappointments of life. Its name? Thankfulness. Read these verses about thanksgiving: Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us […]

Concert of Prayer & Praise

  I’ll never forget the first time I experienced a Concert of Prayer and Praise. After I witnessed my first, I begged the Lord for an opportunity to not only allow me to be a participant in, but a conduit of this kind of Spirit-filled reality. True to form, God took me up on my […]

November 18, 2015

Forgiveness What does the Bible say about forgiveness? … bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. – Colossians 3:13 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. […]

Ode to Clanking Cups

As a young girl I remember a beautiful song my mother would sing in church. A story-like song, it told the familiar tale of the woman at the well. The woman was searching for something to satisfy her lost and lonely soul. Read these words from the song, Fill My Cup, Lord by Richard E. […]

November 11, 2015

by Jacqueline Heider Guarding Your Thoughts Many times in relationships our thoughts can be our worse enemy. We allow ourselves to fall into the trap of conjecture, speculation, or assumption. Instead of thinking the best of someone, we instead, assume the worst. A better way to love someone is by thinking on the things that […]

A Joyful Noise!

Often a repetitive melody resonates inside of me, and with that resounding song, God develops within a theme He wishes to teach me. The name of the current hum in my heart? Contentment. It seems that God continues infusing the songs in my heart with the need to choose an attitude of gratitude, rather than […]