For Such a Time as This

There have been several times in my life where I’ve felt like our family would’ve been a better fit in another decade or even century. A time when things were simpler and people took pride in their work. A time where doors were left unlocked and Sundays were spent visiting with family members. When time […]

What a Friend

I love music. Something about it just speaks deep into my heart in ways that poems, sermons, and other means just don’t reach. (That being said, don’t expect me to show my appreciation for music in public ways. My singing has that delicate quality of being able to crack mirrors and frighten small children.) But […]

Home Improvement

Wallpaper: I HATE it, I know I just said hate. My son would gasp if he knew I wrote those words for all to see. I just spent one month stripping the many layers of wallpaper off of my kitchen walls. The previous owners thought it to be a good idea to paint over, what […]

Just Do It!

Think of something you just don’t want to do. Maybe it’s cleaning the garage or organizing your closet. Perhaps it’s giving the dog a bath or cleaning the bathroom. It could be cleaning the gutters or working on your taxes. Or maybe it’s that mammogram or colonoscopy you’re avoiding like the plague. We all have things we […]

Proclaim God’s Word

Praying God’s Word is one of the most powerful strategies for prayer. God’s Word is truth. God’s Word is clear. God’s Word is power. A Plan for Praying Scripture: Read it.             Read the Scripture several times. Read it out loud if possible. Realize it. Ask: What does this mean? What truth can I affirm? […]

I Deserve This

Life can throw us all not just one, but sometimes a number of curve balls. One of those for my husband and I was a diagnosis of dual infertility. Leading up to that moment, and even past the blessing of adoption, I went through a series of rises and falls in my emotions. You name […]

May 4, 2016

Over the next few weeks, we will look at several prayer strategies that will help you fight your battles in prayer. Prayer Strategy #1 – Profile Your Enemy!  The enemy wants to derail us, but knowing his tactics gives us an advantage in battle. Below are several tactics Satan uses to draw us away from […]

When Your Soul Becomes A Desert

I used to write just as much as I breathed—or at least that’s what it felt like. I would go to bed with my next blog post in mind. I would often find myself scribbling notes across a beat up notebook when something came to mind. Blogging was my small corner of the world that […]