For God Alone

  There is a scribbled note written in the margins of my Bible that reminded me of a powerful message. There in my haphazard handwriting, truly illegible to anyone but me, were the words “Sin begins and ends in the garden.” I remember coming to that realization a few years ago as I was reading […]

Weary in the Work

  In recent days, weeks, months, I’ve found myself weary in the work. Oh, I love my job, or more appropriately said, I love my calling. When I truly stop to think about my work, I stand amazed that God would allow me to be paid for shepherding His flock. That’s really what my job […]

Walk in Love

The following blog was written by Susan Cady in 2013 and still holds true today. Please keep praying for Susan as she continues to heal and grow in strength after her stay in the hospital. Learning to love better has been a theme for me this year. The Father is reminding me of it everywhere […]

Shouts and Whispers

  I hit send and the text message containing the verse for the day went through. I’ve been trying to cultivate the habit of sending a daily Scripture to my boys each morning—just another way to get truth into their hearts. Fifteen or so seconds passed and I hear the ping of my phone indicating […]

Known By Prayer

  Don’t you love how the Word digs deeper every time you read it? Have you ever stared at the words on the page and thought to yourself “I know I’ve read this, but I’ve never really, truly read it”? I know I’m not the only one, for the Word is alive and active and […]