Stirred Up

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For I am the LORD your God who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar— his name is the LORD of Armies.  I have put my words in your mouth, and covered you in the shadow of my hand, in order to plant the heavens, to found the earth, and to say to Zion, “You are my people.”

 Isaiah 51:15-16 (CSB)

I love the beach, and one of my all-time favorite beach experiences happens every afternoon when most folks have left for the day. I sit at the edge of the water and stare at the evening ocean. The white caps crash toward the shore, stirring up sand and shells, destroying any sandcastles left behind. I’m reminded of God’s power and might as I gaze at the water, wondering what lies at the depths of the sea. With its powerful waves, exactly what besides handmade sandcastles has surrendered at the ocean’s roar?

Isaiah reminds us that the Lord stirs up the sea—that’s how strong and mighty He is. He is the One who has the power to control the ocean’s roar—its powerful waves and fervent winds.

How often I let the things of the world stir my soul, control me, and fill me with fear. My heart, mind, and emotions begin to roar and often those around me get swallowed up by my words caused by the angst that has been stirred up in me.

But look at verse 16. In these words, I see God’s power, protection, and provision. He fills our mouths with wisdom by putting His words in our mouths. He protects us with only the shadow of His hand. And in His grace, the Lord plants, establishes, and loves His people. What a powerful Savior!

If only I could stop the external stirring caused by my circumstances and yield to the internal stirring from God’s gracious and mighty hand. His name is the Lord of Armies. He is on my side. Why should I fear? He is in the deep with me, fighting my battles, saving me from the roaring waves that seek to wash over me, rescuing me when I’m sinking.

In my stirring, all I must do is ask for God’s help, believe He will do it, and receive His gift of grace in times of need. Just as the sandcastles surrender to the ocean every evening as it washes over them, so I must surrender to my Savior and allow His powerful grace to wash over me.

Lord, will You calm that which is stirred up in me with the power of Your grace, the peace of your presence, and the truth that comes from Your Word.
