April 15, 2013

Bluebirds & Bended Knee He bends down to hear me.  I will pray to Him as long as I have breath.   Psalm 116:2 The word picture in this verse of the Lord God Almighty bending down from the heavenlies to hear my prayer has so captured my heart.  It reminds me of some amazing realities: […]

April 15, 2013

Bluebirds & Bended Knee He bends down to hear me.  I will pray to Him as long as I have breath.   Psalm 116:2 The word picture in this verse of the Lord God Almighty bending down from the heavenlies to hear my prayer has so captured my heart.  It reminds me of some amazing realities: […]

April 8, 2013

Soaring Through Your To-do List I am a doer, a task oriented person. I like to make a list and check things off. In fact, I ‘m so bad that sometimes if I do something and it’s NOT on my list, I write it down just so I can have the satisfaction of checking it off. […]

February 11, 2013

Are You Walking in Fear or Faith? Sarah laughs as she walks … Read Hebrews 11:11 Read Genesis 18:1-15 & 21:1-7 What did the Lord tell Abraham about Sarah? What did Sarah do when she heard? Why did Sarah find this news so unbelievable? What happened one year later? Imagine yourself at age 90.  Now imagine having […]

February 4, 2013

Are You Walking in Fear or Faith? Abram’s walk into the unknown Read Hebrews 11:8 & Genesis 12:1-9 What did the Lord command Abram to do? What did the Lord promise Abram He would do for him? Did Abram obey the Lord? How old was Abram when he left his homeland? I can hardly imagine leaving my homeland […]

January 28, 2013

Are You Walking in Fear or Faith? Noah’s Obedient Walk Read Hebrews 11:7 What do you learn about Noah? God warned Noah about something unseen Noah reverently feared God God instructed Noah to build an ark so he and his household would be safe Became an heir of righteousness by faith Read Genesis 6:5-7:24 and answer the following […]

January 21, 2013

Are You Walking in Fear or Faith? Enoch’s Pleasing Walk Read Genesis 5:18-24 What do you learn about Enoch from these verses? Father was Jared Had a son, Methuselah at age 65 Lived 365 Walked with God from age 65-365 (300 years) God took him If you read further in Genesis 5 you see that […]

January 7, 2013

Are You Walking in Fear or Faith? I have a huge confession to make.  In 2012 I would have answered that question fear! Hard to believe?  It’s true!  In many areas of my life, I have operated in fear rather than faith.  There have been times when I walked in fear with regard to my […]

December 31, 2012

The Women’s Ministry wishes you and joyful and happy New Year! With love & blessings, Jacqueline Heider Women’s Ministry Director Christmas from the Magi’s Perspective  Read:  Matthew 2:1-13 What do we learn about who the Magi are from this passage? -Wise men from the east (not necessarily three -we are not given a number) -Seeking the […]