Things I Would Tell My Newly Married Self

I have done a lot of premarital counseling, and I’ve found it to be both enjoyable and frustrating. Enjoyable, because you get the opportunity to walk with a couple and to speak into their present and future lives. Frustrating, because many of these couples have no frame of reference for what you’re telling them…and they’re […]

Things I Would Tell My Newly Married Self

I have done a lot of premarital counseling, and I’ve found it to be both enjoyable and frustrating. Enjoyable, because you get the opportunity to walk with a couple and to speak into their present and future lives. Frustrating, because many of these couples have no frame of reference for what you’re telling them…and they’re […]


I am an only child. Growing up I spent a great deal of time with adults. I can’t even remember ever having a babysitter. I spent most of my time in the presence of others. At
home my parents gave me much attention, so much
so, that I grew accustomed to being in the presence of others […]


Several years ago the Lord allowed me to experience this particular attribute in a real way. My daughter, Leanna, had to be hospitalized for an EEG. At that time, she
was six years old and being in the hospital surrounded by machines and unfamiliar people made her quite apprehensive. When undergoing an EEG, electrodes are glued […]

If You Love Them, Prove It

When the couple walked into my counseling office, it was obvious things were not good between them. Their heads were down, there were very little pleasantries offered, they chose opposite sofas on which to sit, and neither wanted to be the first to talk. When they finally started opening up, each told story after story […]

If You Love Them, Prove It

When the couple walked into my counseling office, it was obvious things were not good between them. Their heads were down, there were very little pleasantries offered, they chose opposite sofas on which to sit, and neither wanted to be the first to talk. When they finally started opening up, each told story after story […]


One of God’s many attributes and names is Jehovah-jireh. Inherent with this name and character of God is His desire to provide for His people. In Hebrew, jireh means “to see.” When paired with God’s covenant name, Jehovah, this name literally means that Jehovah will see to it. He sees and foresees. He is omniscient—He […]


Hello! Even though it doesn’t quite feel like Fall, October has arrived. I don’t know about you, but sometimes toward the end of the year things can get a bit crazy. Between making it through the summer months and now looking forward to the holidays, it can seem like there is too much to do. […]